Character & Leadership Mentoring Program

A Program for High School Students

Invest in your future & cultivate your innate potential for greatness.

This program is for dedicated students who want to build the foundations of leadership by growing in self-knowledge, improving their self-discipline and relational skills, and gaining a better understanding of their vocation and mission in life.  You will be effectively prepared for leadership in adulthood and throughout life. The experiences you gain in each Level will help you become more confident, mature, and capable of overcoming the challenges that face you as you enter into adulthood.  The skills and virtues you learn in this program will help carry you through life into college, develop healthy and stable relationships, allow you to build a successful career, and craft a virtuous deeply fulfilling life.

Designed to help dedicated High School students develop their natural gifts and talents toward their natural perfection, this 3-Course program leads students through the three core phases of Character Formation: Self-Knowledge, Self-Acceptance, and Self-Gift.

Course I — The self-possession that comes from awareness of one’s unique personal characteristics through Self-Knowledge
Course II — The confidence that comes from true humility through the process of Self-Acceptance
III — The servant leadership and integrity of character that comes through the authentic Self-Gift.

Students will learn important skills for leadership and self-discipline, cultivate a life of virtue, and grow in maturity and wisdom of heart, so that they will be prepared to become Virtuous Men and Women of Character and Integrity – competent leaders in the Church and in the world.

Sign up today!

Leaders aren’t born, they’re made.  Will you rise to the challenge? Just give us a call at 651-431-0165 or Email us at today, and we will set up an free informational session and enroll you in the next available opening for the Character & Leadership Mentoring Program: Course I.

The Program begins new groups of students every 8 weeks.  You will be placed in a group beginning the first week of the month after you sign up.

If you’re under 18, parental permission is required.

Program Tuition

Each Level of the program is arranged and paid for separately. Payment is due at the time of enrollment.

Course I: $250/student
Course II: $250/student
Course III: $250/student
$675 total if you pay for all three Courses up front (a 10% discount)

If price is an issue for you, please contact us. We’re willing to work something out on a sliding scale. We don’t want anyone to turn away for financial reasons.

Program Details

Each Course in the program runs for 8 weeks (24 weeks total). Students meet for a 60-minute class once per week in groups of 3-4 with their Mentor for personalized lessons & training.

The focus of each of the Three Courses is as follows:

Course I: Self-Knowledge (8 weeks)

The theme of these 8 weeks is to fulfill the command of the ancient prophets and philosophers to “Know Thyself.” In this Course, students will grow in their…

– Self-Identity as a Human Person made in the image and likeness of God

– Awareness of their strengths & weaknesses, hopes & dreams, personality & temperament

– Appreciation for their God-given talents & gifts

During this Course, students will compile an Individualized Personal Plan for Character that will enable them to put into daily practice what they’ve learned, and enable them to work on their particular areas for growth through concrete practices and exercises.  Their Mentor will assist them with putting together this plan, and check in with the students individually regarding their progress.

Course II: Self-Acceptance (8 weeks)

The theme of these 8 weeks is the acknowledgement of the need for growth, and the confidence in one’s innate capacity for greatness.  In this Course, students will…

– Learn about the core elements of the virtue of humility & service

– Develop the essential skills of authenticity and vulnerability

– Understand how to beneficially monitor their own progress and ongoing need for growth

– Apply their Self-Knowledge in constructive ways to grow in virtue and acquire practical skills

– Gain confidence in themselves and recognition of how their talents and abilities can be put to use in their vocation to leadership and holiness

Course III: Self-Gift (8 weeks)

The theme of these 8 weeks is the authentic gift of self to God and others in everyday encounters & relationships. In this Course, students will…

– Actively cultivate specific virtues and leadership skills

– Learn how to anticipate the needs of others without losing themselves in the process

– Develop healthy and mature relationship skills

– Understand how to help others develop their own talents and cultivate virtue

– Grow in patience and zeal in the pursuit of greatness

– Prepare themselves for the complete self-gift to God in their vocation in adulthood

During this Course, students will develop and carry out a leadership project designed to put into practice some of the specific virtues and leadership skills they have learned throughout the program.